en:process:phase01:start [Strategia Națională pentru Păduri 2030]

Strategia Națională pentru Păduri 2030

National Forest Strategy 2030

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Principles and strategic actions

The purpose of this consultation phase is to identify participants' views on guiding principles understood as rules that define the political, economic, technical or social behaviour that conditions the implementation of a forestry strategy.

In order to structure the dialogue, the working group formulated principle proposals on which the participants could express their opinion through a questionnaire. The proposed principles were presented in a random order without suggesting a ranking of their importance. Through this questionnaire, the participants were also invited to formulate other principles according to their own vision of forest policy development.

At the same time, the participants were invited to express their opinions on the main lines of action on a short and medium term, consistent with the priorities they consider necessary for Romania's forestry policy.